An investigation found that Deputy Inspector James F. Kobel had called former President Barack Obama a “Muslim savage” and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s biracial son “a brillohead.” Source: New York Times
Posts published in “anti-semitism”
What Zoom Does to Campus Conflicts Over Israel and Free Speech
By Gotham Rex on January 22, 2021
As battles over Israel and the Palestinian territories have migrated online, technology has scrambled the debate. Source: New York Times
GOP Candidate Leticia Remauro Under Fire for Saying ‘Heil Hitler’ at Virus Protest
By Gotham Rex on January 12, 2021
Leticia Remauro, who is running for Staten Island borough president, has apologized for making a “bad analogy.” Source: New York Times
NYPD Concludes James Kobel Wrote Racist Rants
By Gotham Rex on January 11, 2021
The official, James F. Kobel, who will now face a departmental trial, filed for retirement as the inquiry was winding down. Source: New York Times
They Were Canceled. Should He Have Helped Them Come Back?
By Gotham Rex on June 19, 2020
How Abraham Foxman, head of the Anti-Defamation League, became the redemption broker. Source: New York Times
Swastikas Drawn on Apartment Doors on 83rd Street
By Gotham Rex on January 4, 2020
Swastikas Drawn on Apartment Doors on 83rd Street Someone drew small swastikas on the doors of several apartments in a building at 46 West 83rd Street shortly before the New Year, according to police.