Call For Artists: Serving Healthful Art
The Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance (NoMAA), in collaboration with NY-Presbyterian – The Allen Hospital and Art in Flux, is seeking submissions for NoMAA’s next exhibition entitled Serving Healthful Art – Guest curated by Henone Girma (Art in Flux).
Artists can use their art as a catalyst to present new ideas. Serving Healthful Art is an open call to artists to submit works that confront the existing ways society is feeding itself and that convey what it means to nourish our bodies healthfully and with the earth’s ecosystem in mind.
Society is faced with endless food-related issues and the politics of food affects everyone who eats. Accordingly, artists hold a stake in discourses that take place around food and nutrition. In fact, they hold the ability to tap into the emotional core of such complicated concepts that entice both personal and political debates and are among those who are challenging the status quo. From food industry lobbying, marketing practices, agricultural innovations (both positive and negative), to FDA regulations and government policies there is a wide array of forces that affect what we eat and where it comes from. Food politics have a significant effect on all of our minds, bodies and souls.
Artist Stipend: $400 / Free bilingual form
Apply here:
Submission Deadline: February 16
Notification: week of Feb 19
Drop off and Installation: week of March 12
Opening: March 20, 6:30pm
Open to Artists working or residing in El Barrio, Inwood, Washington Heights or Harlem. Above 110th Street on the West Side (west of 5th Ave.) and above 96th Street on the East Side (east of 5th Ave)
Four artists will be selected from the submissions. Sales of artworks are not conducted by NoMAA. However, a price list will be available, and artists will be contacted directly by interested buyers. We kindly ask for a donation of 15% of each sale to NoMAA to help sustain our exhibits program.
Submit 4-6 images of two-dimensional artwork only, maximum of five feet in length or height. Work should be ready to hang (under glass preferred) and appropriate for a family friendly audience.
If you have any questions, call (212) 567 4394 or email
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