East Village bird count
[A Yellow-bellied Sapsucker spotted in the East Village]A group of East Village residents recently took part in a bird count in the neighborhood. Here’s their story via EVG reader Patrick:We were inspired by annual bird counts that have occurred for more than a century in New York and, now, all over the world. We gathered in Tompkins Square Park and then spread out to cover the community gardens and other areas of the East Village. Overall we counted 1,567 individual birds, representing 16 different species. Highlights included a Peregrine Falcon on Meltzer Tower, two Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers in Tompkins Square Park, and an American Kestrel perched on a building at the corner of Seventh Street and Avenue A. We also saw Christo, the resident male red-tailed Hawk in Tompkins Square Park, along with “Nora,” the new visitor, and another juvenile hawk. Thanks to everyone who participated: Steven, Donald, Florence, Dennis, Cheyenne, Laura, Jeff, Greg and Elias!

East Village bird count
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