Former TGI Friday’s space on Union Square now a million development site
[Photo by Daniel from January]The TGI Friday’s at 34 Union Square East and 16th Street shut down at the end of 2017, as we noted here.For sale signs via Eastern Consolidated were up right away though we never saw the listing… which is now live here:… a development site that offers a ±26,000-square-foot zoning floor area for a mixed-use building on the last remaining corner development site on Union Square Park. The property is currently improved with a vacant, ±6,500 square foot, two-story commercial building. With ±19,500 square feet of unused development rights, the property offers 26-feet of frontage on Union Square East and 125-feet of frontage on 16th Street.And an aerial photo looking at Union Square via Eastern Consolidated … to see how the site stacks up against its neighbors… just imagine another ±19,500 square feet on top…Dennis Riese, the chairman of the board and CEO of The Riese Organization, reportedly bought this building for $15.3 million at the end of 2009. The TGI Friday’s opened in June 2010.

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