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Rentals or condos coming to Wythe Diner lot

Rentals or condos coming to Wythe Diner lot


We can’t say we’re going to miss Cafe De La Esquina, because it kinda blew. But we definitely don’t want to see the iconic Wythe Diner lose it’s home. More proof that we can’t have nice things anymore, especially in Williamsburg.  More from Brownstoner.

The Wythe Diner sign — upon which was superimposed the name of its most recent tenant, Cafe De La Esquina, in glowing neon script — atop the iconic Wythe Diner has been taken down.

As well, on Thursday, pieces of paper announcing “Wythe Diner is closed,” strangely, were taped to the windows of the 1950s metal diner at 225 Wythe Avenue, at the corner of North 3rd Street, in Williamsburg….

In December, the Department of Buildings approved plans for a six-story building with 10 apartments at the site. The plans, filed in 2014, call for a ground floor retail space and an outdoor recreation space on the second floor, with apartments above.

While building records don’t indicate whether plans call for rentals or condos, the units will be sizable, including two that will each occupy an entire floor at the top of the building and could potentially clock in around 2,800 square feet apiece.

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