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Seward Park Library Hosts “The City Scene From the Sidewalk,” Exhibition by Alex Price

Seward Park Library Hosts “The City Scene From the Sidewalk,” Exhibition by Alex Price


Recent work by local artist Alex Price is currently on exhibit at the Seward Park Library.  In a series titled, “The City Scene From the Sidewalk,” a collection of watercolor paintings depict views from bustling neighborhoods around town, including many from the Lower East Side.   Price has been painting scenes from the sidewalk since 2000.


In his description of the process of creating the series, Price notes that “each image is a frozen glance, a captured impression along a walk through the streets of this compelling and enigmatic metropolis, New York City. These paintings are drawn on paper by hand, then painted with watercolor, using my photography as reference.”


The show will be up through June at the Seward Park Library and will move across the street to the Manny Cantor Center later this summer.  You can find more information about Alex Price on his website here.

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